RiverWorks is not only designed for those individuals who are self-motivated, and for the most part, capable of advocating for themselves in today’s highly competitive job market, but is also designed for individuals who need extensive support to locate and obtain employment. The typical RiverWorks candidate has established a set of obtainable goals, but will still benefit from having an extra pair of eyes trained on the job market. RiverWorks is a turnkey service supervised by a RCG Employment Specialist, and may be conducted in group or individualized sessions. Seminar dates and times vary, so please check our calendar page or contact us for details.
Résumé development services, where necessary, begin with a thorough analysis of our clients’ specific and transferable skills, utilize the agreed upon vocational goal (IPE) as a targeting mechanism, and are designed to present our clients in the most flattering manner possible. A professional résumé and cover letter germane to each client’s vocational objective are provided at the end of training.
Clients are instructed in filling out job applications in the manner preferred by employers, and are provided with a datasheet to record their work history and pertinent application information. Subsequently, a representative sampling of electronic application forms is reviewed. Time is spent devising positive answers to difficult questions such as those regarding disability, extended periods of unemployment, and when necessary, past incarceration or arrest issues. Additionally, with the advent of electronic hiring practices, many employers now include web-based personality profiles as a component of the initial screening process. These tests are used to screen applicants for undesirable work traits like risk-taking, dishonesty, illegal drug use, and poor decision-making. Frequently, well-intentioned applicants who do not possess the aforementioned traits still get caught in this net, preventing their credentials from ever reaching someone with hiring authority. The River City Group’s professional trainers assist our clients in navigating these often treacherous waters.
Ultimately, a thoughtfully completed job application and an impressive résumé are only enough to get our clients in front of the hiring entity. Insufficient interviewing skills will not allow the applicant to move the process forward and attain the ultimate goal, a job offer. Accordingly, our clients are instructed in effective interviewing techniques via modalities that include role playing, question and answer sessions, or peer and trainer reviewed, digitally recorded mock interviews. Additionally, RCG trainers work with our clients to help them develop and polish their “elevator speech”, a 30-second introduction to the employer that ideally sets the stage for a productive interview. Proven methods for dealing with problematic employment issues are addressed in both the application and interview training processes, and are based upon EEOC and ADA guidelines.
Clients are assisted with job search activities and job placement by utilizing an array of search tools, including interviews arranged with The River City Group’s employer contacts. We work with our clients to develop a comprehensive network of resources that may include: former employers; friends, neighbors and family members; local Job Fairs; web-based employment sites; state or federally managed electronic bulletin boards; local classified listings; and yes, even strategies like the good old cold call. Client progress is tracked throughout job search in order to measure progress, review goals, and if necessary, modify our approach.
A service designed to replicate actual work conditions for the uninitiated job seeker, Work Experience Training affords the DARS client opportunities to cultivate the traits necessary for success in the competitive workforce. Adjusting to the rigors of employment, understanding workplace culture, developing positive work habits, and exploring what’s really out there are all integral components to this service. Whether paid employment or a volunteer scenario, the value of actually engaging in work activities is substantive. It’s also a great way to eliminate misconceptions about a particular type of employment, like say…working with animals. For example, everyone wants to work with the puppies, until they learn they have to pick up the poop. Conversely, many of our clients have formed negative opinions about a particular type of work, or even a specific employer, based solely on what they have been told by others. Lacking firsthand experience, they may never really know what it’s like to work at Lowes or Whataburger because someone they knew in high school convinced them that the managers there are all mean. Consider Work Experience Training to be, among other things, a myth buster.
The River City Group currently has three Supported Employment Specialists that possess the Autism credential through Relias/UNT. As we all know, environmental influences play a critical role in determining the potential for success with any job, and any employee – including all of us. For individuals with developmental disorders like Autism, the influence of environment is magnified, and can in fact represent the biggest barrier to workplace success. Is there a difference in food service work at Ft. Sam Houston vs. the corner McDonalds? As someone once said, “You betcha!” Noise levels, activity levels, lighting, interaction requirements, etc. are all very different, and DD clients are going to react differently based on environment. Discovering and codifying the influences and environmental effects unique to each site serves to inform you, the VRC, what a plausible path forward might look like. As importantly, we can mitigate the potential anxiety and accordant bad outcomes that occur when we assume an environment is suitable – based on our experiences, instead of our client’s perceptions and/or reactions.
No, we’re not asking you to be a law breaker so you can get a cool job, but we do have a really good track record when tasked with finding employment for individuals who have misdemeanor and felony convictions on their records.

RiverWorks is not only designed for those individuals who are self-motivated, and for the most part, capable of advocating for themselves in today’s highly competitive job market, but is also designed for individuals who need extensive support to locate and obtain employment. The typical RiverWorks candidate has established a set of obtainable goals, but will still benefit from having an extra pair of eyes trained on the job market. RiverWorks is a turnkey service supervised by a RCG Employment Specialist, and may be conducted in group or individualized sessions. Seminar dates and times vary, so please check our calendar page or contact us for details.
Résumé development services, where necessary, begin with a thorough analysis of our clients’ specific and transferable skills, utilize the agreed upon vocational goal (IPE) as a targeting mechanism, and are designed to present our clients in the most flattering manner possible. A professional résumé and cover letter germane to each client’s vocational objective are provided at the end of training.
Clients are instructed in filling out job applications in the manner preferred by employers, and are provided with a datasheet to record their work history and pertinent application information. Subsequently, a representative sampling of electronic application forms is reviewed. Time is spent devising positive answers to difficult questions such as those regarding disability, extended periods of unemployment, and when necessary, past incarceration or arrest issues. Additionally, with the advent of electronic hiring practices, many employers now include web-based personality profiles as a component of the initial screening process. These tests are used to screen applicants for undesirable work traits like risk-taking, dishonesty, illegal drug use, and poor decision-making. Frequently, well-intentioned applicants who do not possess the aforementioned traits still get caught in this net, preventing their credentials from ever reaching someone with hiring authority. The River City Group’s professional trainers assist our clients in navigating these often treacherous waters.
Ultimately, a thoughtfully completed job application and an impressive résumé are only enough to get our clients in front of the hiring entity. Insufficient interviewing skills will not allow the applicant to move the process forward and attain the ultimate goal, a job offer. Accordingly, our clients are instructed in effective interviewing techniques via modalities that include role playing, question and answer sessions, or peer and trainer reviewed, digitally recorded mock interviews. Additionally, RCG trainers work with our clients to help them develop and polish their “elevator speech”, a 30-second introduction to the employer that ideally sets the stage for a productive interview. Proven methods for dealing with problematic employment issues are addressed in both the application and interview training processes, and are based upon EEOC and ADA guidelines.
Clients are assisted with job search activities and job placement by utilizing an array of search tools, including interviews arranged with The River City Group’s employer contacts. We work with our clients to develop a comprehensive network of resources that may include: former employers; friends, neighbors and family members; local Job Fairs; web-based employment sites; state or federally managed electronic bulletin boards; local classified listings; and yes, even strategies like the good old cold call. Client progress is tracked throughout job search in order to measure progress, review goals, and if necessary, modify our approach.
A service designed to replicate actual work conditions for the uninitiated job seeker, Work Experience Training affords the DARS client opportunities to cultivate the traits necessary for success in the competitive workforce. Adjusting to the rigors of employment, understanding workplace culture, developing positive work habits, and exploring what’s really out there are all integral components to this service. Whether paid employment or a volunteer scenario, the value of actually engaging in work activities is substantive. It’s also a great way to eliminate misconceptions about a particular type of employment, like say…working with animals. For example, everyone wants to work with the puppies, until they learn they have to pick up the poop. Conversely, many of our clients have formed negative opinions about a particular type of work, or even a specific employer, based solely on what they have been told by others. Lacking firsthand experience, they may never really know what it’s like to work at Lowes or Whataburger because someone they knew in high school convinced them that the managers there are all mean. Consider Work Experience Training to be, among other things, a myth buster.
The River City Group currently has three Supported Employment Specialists that possess the Autism credential through Relias/UNT. As we all know, environmental influences play a critical role in determining the potential for success with any job, and any employee – including all of us. For individuals with developmental disorders like Autism, the influence of environment is magnified, and can in fact represent the biggest barrier to workplace success. Is there a difference in food service work at Ft. Sam Houston vs. the corner McDonalds? As someone once said, “You betcha!” Noise levels, activity levels, lighting, interaction requirements, etc. are all very different, and DD clients are going to react differently based on environment. Discovering and codifying the influences and environmental effects unique to each site serves to inform you, the VRC, what a plausible path forward might look like. As importantly, we can mitigate the potential anxiety and accordant bad outcomes that occur when we assume an environment is suitable – based on our experiences, instead of our client’s perceptions and/or reactions.
No, we’re not asking you to be a law breaker so you can get a cool job, but we do have a really good track record when tasked with finding employment for individuals who have misdemeanor and felony convictions on their records.